Reblog: “Should I Start a Grassroots Movement to Change My Church?”

“Should I Start a Grassroots Movement to Change My Church?”
a blog post by Kevin DeYoung for the Gospel Coalition

Around this time, college students are heading home for the summer. Inevitably, some of them are realizing that the church they grew up in is vastly different from the one they have been attending for the past eight months. Some of the differences may be minor, such as the church’s style of musical worship, but some may be major enough that they are difficult to ignore. Perhaps the difference is in a primary issue, in an area related to the gospel; the difference could also be over a strongly held secondary issue, such as cessationism/continuationism or women teachers. As such, I think this blog post by Kevin DeYoung delivers a timely reminder to those with questions about their home church, as well as helpful suggestions on how to interact with the church in light of newfound differences. For any further concerns, ask a wise counselor with specific knowledge of your situation. Above all, remember to be humble and submissive and loving toward your pastors and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. (HT: Challies)

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